Goodreads Giveaway!

You know you want it.
I'm proud to announce the GoodReads giveaway of two autographed copies of my second novel, December!

Enter the giveaway HERE!

Here's the synopsis:

Over a hundred years in the future, Earth has fallen under the invasion of a hostile alien race-the Drevi. Half the population has been captured as specimens, while the rest are fighting for their lives in a resistance movement that has achieved more defeats than victories.

Ted Anderson, a 42-year-old information specialist from the American States, thought nothing could save him from his new life. In spite of being an aide to a leading Drevi scientist who treats him well, he is reminded every day what he truly is. A specimen. An Inferior with no future.

Then two strange new aliens arrive as representatives of their government, wanting to free humanity from the invading force. And all of Ted's dreams come true. He's on a starship, shooting through space at speeds he had never before imagined. And most of all, he is free again.

Now Ted is drawn into a dangerous conflict to save all he knows and loves. But the fate of more than just humanity might rest on his shoulders.

In this stunning new science fiction epic, author Karen Lofgren weaves a tale of the human condition, and how even in the darkest of times, it can shine through into the future.

Seriously, it's a chance at a free book. Why are you hesitating?

And even if you don't win, the ebook is only $2.99 on Amazon, Nook, and Smashwords. Not sure if you want to buy? Free samples are available at all of those links. So go check it out!

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